Brief Interruption: Love At The End Times – Literally

When You Can't Feel God

“Encourage my soul, and let us journey on.
For the night has come, and I am far from home.
Thanks be to God, the morning light is here.
The storm is passing over. The storm is passing over. The storm is passing over, Hallelujah.”

My husband and I were talking of the end times and sign o’ the times, which brought us to discussing current events. Many things are happening that even those hiding out in caves and crevices can clearly see this is the time like the labor pain days before birth. Where the earth tremors with moans and groans out of anguish for relief, justice, and ease of pain, torment, heartache, and hate.

My husband and I asked each other, what would we do? What DO we do?

“He did not bring us out this far, to take us back again.
He brought us out to take us into the promise land.
Though there’ll be giants in the land, we will not be afraid.
He brought us out, to take us into the promise land.”

Funny, we overheard a couple that went back and forth were one said that they would take militant force to fight back, while the other didn’t want to believe anything horrendous would ever happen within theirs or grandchildren’s lives, but swung back and forth between ‘fleeing to the hills’ or remaining blinded and/or in the dark – and these were ‘Christians.’

Why this makes a difference is belief in where our true devotion lies. Self? The Government? Our personal guns? Our savvy and intellectual charm? But what about the God we profess our faith to?

It brings to mind the days of Daniel. Or the days of Joshua and Caleb.

I bring this up, friends, because marriages and relationships are being divided over this very reason. I encourage you to reread the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and (Joshua and Caleb). While you’re at it, look up Luke 21:5-36.

Be encouraged.

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